Zara Southard
Maggie's Cakes
Gay weddings
Custom Wedding Cakes
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Inspire Santa Fe works with young people (aged 12-19) to identify an interest that they are deeply drawn to, and matches them with a community expert. Together, an adult mentor and youth protégé embark on an exploration of their shared interest that ends with them creating a project that “gives back” to the community. As a former teacher, Zara appreciates this opportunity to stay connected with the youth of Santa Fe. Here she is with her 2016 protégé, Celeste Sandoval.

Founded in 1992, Kitchen Angel’s mission is to provide free, nutritious meals to homebound community members facing life-challenging conditions. Kitchen Angels is a non-profit that was dear to Maggie's heart and Zara feels passionate about continuing this support in her name. Maggie's Cakes is proud to make special birthday cupcakes for Kitchen Angels clients.

Farmer's Market Fall Fiesta is a delicious, highly-anticipated event that includes a locally sourced feast created by several of Santa Fe’s finest chefs, as well as an opportunity to honor three Farmer All Stars. Maggie's Cakes is honored to be a part of this annual event as a guest chef. The Fall Fiesta benefits the Farmer's Market Institute in their mission to aid farmer's and make the market available to all shoppers.
Meow Wolf is a Santa Fe arts production company that creates immersive, multimedia experiences that transport audiences of all ages into fantastic realms of storytelling. Their work is a combination of jungle gym, haunted house, children’s museum, and immersive art exhibit. Maggie's Cakes made a 7 tier cake inspired by the fantastical House of Eternal Return for their Grand Opening Gala on March 17th, 2016 in celebration of their new permantent home at the old Silva Bowling Alley.